Feb 5, 2008

Escenas de un matrimonio. Capítulo I: alianzas perdidas

La pesadilla empieza así:

One of our employees lost his gold wedding band in the office today.
Please call me if you have any information or have found it.

(mensaje enviado a todos los empleados de Mercedes USA)

Y claro, el employee al que se refieren es Pepe y su alianza. Después de una denodada búsqueda la cosa queda tal que así:

The employee who lost his ring would like to thank everyone for their help
in finding his ring. The response was overwhelming and he feels honored to
work with such a wonderful group of people. It is also with great joy that
I would like to let everyone know that he found his ring. By the way, if
you are wondering where he found it, just look at the picture below.

Thanks again,

(lo mejor es el tonillo irónico del mensaje, sublime...)